Paternity Testing &
DNA Testing Services
Legal Paternity Test and DNA Testing
The only company offering certified comprehensive DNA testing at one of our convenient locations or from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

We guarantee and stand behind our test results for accuracy, reliability, and confidentiality.
DNA Paternity Testing and Other DNA Testing Services Available
Paternity Test: Determines if a man is the biological father of a child.
Maternity Test: Determines if a woman is the biological mother of a child.
Grandparent Test: Determines if a biological relationship exists between the alleged grandparent and child.
Sibling Test: Determines if two individuals are full siblings, half siblings, or not related.
Twin Zygosity Test: Determines whether twins are fraternal or identical.
Avuncular Test: Determines if a biological relationship exists between an alleged aunt/uncle and child.
Y-Chromosome Test: Determines if males share a common male relative.
Immigration Test: Legal test is required to gain foreign or domestic citizenship.
Forensic Genetics: Typically performed to determine partner infidelity.
Accurate and Confidential Paternity and DNA Testing Services

Fully Accredited Laboratory Facilities
Our laboratory is accredited and meets or exceeds the most stringent and exacting standards in the industry.

Enhanced Marker Testing
Providing the ultimate in accuracy and reliability.

Amazing Customer Service
We take our client and customer relations very seriously. We know that our success and future growth is directly related to how well our customers feel their best interests have been served.

Attention You Deserve
We are large enough to employ a highly trained and skilled staff of experienced scientific professionals, yet small enough to answer our own phones to provide you with the kind of personal and individual attention you deserve.
Who Can Benefit From
Parents requiring to identify the custody and/or visitation rights of their children
Individuals verifying their relationship to the deceased to ensure rightful inheritance and social security benefits
Grandparents wanting to verify the identity of their grandchildren
Adoptees who want to identify their biological family members
A parent seeking child support
People wanting to verify sibling relationships
Individuals looking for missing family members
Twins wishing to determine if they are identical or fraternal
Legal Paternity Testing and DNA Testing Services
Medical Centers
Family Lawyers
Adoption Agencies
Family Law Judges
Immigration Attorneys
Child Support Bureaus
Direct to Consumer